Complete darkness.
One performer.
Sit in a seat behind the last row of the audience.
You're in my seat.
• It's my seat.
No, it's not.
• Yes, it is.
It's my seat.
• Mine.
• It's mine.
I was sitting in it.
• When.
• Before when.
Just now.
• You were sitting in it just now.
No, before.
• Before what.
Before you sat in it.
• When did I sit in it.
After I sat in it.
• I've been here all day.
No, you haven't.
• Yes, I have. Were you here yesterday.
• What about the day before.
I don't remember.
• Have you ever been to this movie theater before.
• When.
I don't remember.
• Did you sit in any of the other seats.
I suppose so.
• You suppose so. Perhaps you only sit in this seat.
No, I don't.
• Which seats do you sit in.
I don't know.
• If you don't know which seats you sit in, how do you know you were sitting in this seat.
Because I was sitting in it.
• When.
When I sat in it.
• When was that.
I don't remember.
I'm sitting down.
Next to you.
• That's where you were.
• When we came in.
Oh, it's you.
I can't see.
• Ask them to move their heads
• Them.
Them who.
• Them whose heads are in the way.
In the way of what.
• In the way of your head.
I can't see their heads.
• Are you wearing your glasses.
• Why not.
I don't wear glasses.
• Yes, you do.
No, I don't.
• Yes, you do: where are they.
I left them home.
• Why didn't you stay with them.
It's dark.
I can't see a thing.
• What do you want to see.
The movie.
• It's there.
• There.
Where's there.
• There, where I'm pointing to.
I can't see you pointing.
• Look at me.
I can't see you.
• Can you hear me.
• Then you know where I am
Ow. Why did you do that.
• I wanted to make sure you were sitting in the seat next to me
Am I.
• Yes.
I want to go home.
• You can't.
• I have the key.
I want a copy.
• There is no copy.
Why not.
• You can' go home.
• Watch the film
I'm watching it and I don't see a damn thing.
• Well, watch that.
Why should I.
• Why shouldnt you.
Why should I.
• It gives your eyes a rest.
I want to see.
• See the way you see.
I can't see.
• Can you see that you can't see.
I can see that.
• What a relief.
What is it.
• What do you mean, what is it.
What is it.
• I don't know.
You don't know.
• I don't know.
You don't know what it is.
• Why do you think I know what it is.
You know everything.
• I do.
Don't you.
• I'm not prepared to answer that.
Then you don't know everything.
• How do you know that.
Because you can't say that you do know everything.
• Where's the contradiction.
Isn't there one.
• I don't know.
What do vou know.
• That you have the biggest mouth in the movie theater.
I paid my money, I can't see the film, and I might as well have a good time.
• Is this your good time.
• Then go ahead and have it.
I will.
• But leave me out.
I will when you move.
• Why.
You're in my seat.
• Let's switch seats.
Ow. Why'd you do that.
• I'm getting back at you.
For what.
• You did it to me.
• When you were in my seat.
But that was you
• No, it was you, in my seat.
But I'm not there anymore.
• What's wrong.
• Close your eyes.
They are.
• Now open them.
• What happens.
• Close them.
• What happens.
• Something's wrong.
Why don't we crawl on the floor.
• What for.
No one will see us.
• No one.
I can't see them.
• They can't see you.
Sit in other seats. Sit in other seats. Sit in other seats.
• What now.
They won't know who it is.
I know, the uniform.
• Uniform.
It's in the dressing room. You put on the uniform and let me out and I'll come back and you take off the uniform and I'll put it on and let you out.
• Who will let you out.
I've run out of ideas.
• That's redundant.
I know, the back door.
• It's locked.
• It's over.
It's over.
• As far as I can see.
Why didn't the lights go on.
• There's no one here to turn them on.
Excuse me. . . excuse me. . . excuse me. . .
• Excuse me. . . excuse me. . . excuse me. . .