July 26, 1986 (Excerpt)
When I was traveling a lot from country to country I was always happy to find an English language newspaper. And to hear my language and have that familiar material in my hands. And whether it was Holland or Japan, or Italy, I could always find The International Herald Tribune and very familiar stories, follow the stories, and start to understand something. I started to see the roundness of the earth with different things happening around it, started to appreciate that I was in a very lucky pocket, that I wasn't afraid for my life, that I was in a place that was not... there wasn't a war there. And when I went from Holland to London to Australia it was amazing to really fly over a place I'd been reading about and even to put a foot down in a place where really scary things were happening. To look down on the Persian Gulf, and even land in Muskat, and all these Arabs in green pajamas come on with vacuum cleaners and there'd just been a hijacking, and these mĂȘn came on, we were there in the airplane, we weren't allowed off the plane, it was beautifully hot in the desert, and I dared not to look these men in the face, I was an American, Jew, in Muskat, on the Persian Gulf, and then we took off and I could see the water and the tankers, and the water's so flat and
calm, and the tankers were moving up the Gulf, and I knew there were these, what the papers describe as waves, human waves crashing, of Iranians and Iraqis, and most of them about sixteen or fourteen, crashing waves of humans crashing, and I remember reading in the Old Testament, that I read maybe a hundred pages of, at one time, how in those desert lands, those tribes reminded me of very dry kind of insects like scorpions or tarantulas, and a whole tribe would be there and they'd have their well and they'd have their sheep and not a lot of survival margin and every once in a while one tribe would land on another and wipe them out. And about two people would escape the massacre and go up onto the high ground and wait until they would start to produce again and propagate again and pretty soon they'd be a tribe again in the desert with their being in the sand and their sheep and their date palms and their memory their memory of the massacre and pretty soon there would be enough of them and they would land on the other tribe and massacre them and three people from there would run off to the high ground and start again to
propagate and to become a tribe and each tribe had their god and he was The God and who was on their side and this was now what I was feeling from what we're calling the fundamental, the rise of fundamentalism is this coming right out of the sand, right out of the sand like scorpions, like scorpions who will arrgth!

Arrght! LLLachth! LLLachth!
Aaght! And meanwhile, another thing I read in the Bible was about the year of the jubilee. The year, the year, every seven years when all debts are forgotten. All debts are cast aside, except debts with foreigners, but at least within, within the tribe all debts are cast aside and..why did I think of that now... 'cause I was thinking of what was happening under the earth. I was thinking that meanwhile while Eeengh!
Eeengthn! Eeennn...
EnnnnEnnnn... Ennnn... Ennn..
meanwhile inside, all the organic matter inside the earth is changing, storing, and now with the technology of today is being sucked, siphoned up, and it's very coveted. I'm talking about power.
Power. Power beyond hands and feet. Power of stuff that gets burnt.
Gets burnt. And it gets hot. It goes like Uargthhh. Or if it's gasoline it goes pickoogh! Pingoom Pingoom Peuuu Uuuu Uuuu Uuuu Uuuu Uuuu...make us fly can make us fly can make us fly can make us fly make us fly make us fly and now we don't have to fly from here to here any more. We can just beam it. That's the new part. Beam it. That's hopeful. Beam it. Beam it. You can just beam it. You can say "Hi mom, I'm right here on Mars. Well, I don't think I'll make it back this year. How are you!
How's Eva? How's Mark! Oh great!
Oh how'd you do that! Well listen. Well, you better stir it, you stir it, yea stir it, stir it and then you put put some olives in it. Put some olives in it. Put some olives in it."
And the computers. The computers are good. Because they've almost got it but they haven't got it. They almost get it right and then they get it wrong.
And that's a good thing. That's a good thing for the guy up on the
high ground. No one should know he's there, not the computer, nobody should know where he is.
And the computer doesn't.
Because the computer thinks he's here, but he's there. But the readout is that he's here, but he's there. But I spent that money, but it isn't spent. But that money's going to there, but it's here. But they owe the money here, but the money went there. The money went there. What is the money?
What is the money? The money is beaming around. The money is beaming. Back and forth. The money is going from the Bank of America, right out through its pores. From the Bank of America...right out through its pores. And it's going to Mexico, and it's going into the private pockets in Mexico, and it's going right back into the banks in Switzerland, and in New York, and in California. And one of these days we'll have the year of the jubilee. You know why? Because the United States is going to have a debt of a trillion. A trillion by nineteen ninety something. I don't know what that is. But it's such that the great powers, the powers that have got a lot of this uuuuaaaggghhhh stuff uuuaaaggghhh that they puuuuuuummmmmppppped out of the earth. And shaken, shaken out of the earth.
They're going to say beam beam. No debt. Beam Beam.
No debt. Beam. No debt.
Beam beam. No debt. Beam beam. No debt. That's not going to let anybody off the hook. It's going to be the same picture. It's going to be the same picture. They'll call it something else. Like when Gengis Khan came in and brought in a standard coin.
And on the basis of that bought all the wealth in the known world. Pearls. Pearls.
Pearls and gold in exchange for the standard. The standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
And as long as there's one standard that's holding everything standard... that's the pax standard. And the minute the standard, for whatever reasons of tao.. whatever new evolvings and flowerings and finishings happen...that's when all the arrgth! Arrght! weeeeeennnngggggg start! KKKKhhhh KKKKhhh! KKKKhhhh! KKKhhhh KKKKhhhh
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
The power of the standard.
And as long as there's one standard that's holding everything standard... that's the pax standard. And the minute the standard, for whatever reasons of tao.. whatever new evolvings and flowerings and finishings happen...that's when all the arrgth! Arrght! weeeeeennnngggggg start! KKKKhhhh KKKKhhh! KKKKhhhh! KKKhhhh KKKKhhhh