The dictatorship in my country, Uruguay, tortured and imprisoned me from August, 1977 to November, 1979 for my artistic activities. I want to express my public deep appreciation to the Californian artist Geoff Cook and all the artists that helped to free me with their mobilization around the world.
For Art And For Peace
Took place at the inauguration of the Mail Art exhibition, "America Latina, Hoy, 1984" in the DAAD Gallery of West Berlin. Eighty Six Latino-American artists participated. (The exhibition was donated later to the Museo de la Solidaridad de Managua, Nicaragua).
The main purpose of the performance was to denounce the violent and unbearable policy of our government, and the ever increasing dependence on overdeveloped countries, producing hunger, misery, repression and social injustice. A text denouncing this situation was read during the performance. I was assisted in the realization by Najda Van Ghelgue and Volker Haumann. The music was performed by Rada and the group "OPA", assembled from Montevideo by Antonio Ladra, and Andrea Handels was in charge of the video.

In the performance, different techniques of torture were represented.
Long standing is a technique most used for torturing political prisoners.
Being hoisted is another technique.
Long standing is a technique most used for torturing political prisoners.
Being hoisted is another technique.
Fasting For Liberation In Latin America
Was realized behind the Contemporary Art Seminary, in the Cultural Center "B. Rivadavia" (Rosario, Argentina) with the following points:
- recognition of the Universal Declaration of Human's Rights,
- liberation of all the political prisoners,
- return of exiles,
- an accounting of all the disappeared people,
- repeal of the repressive legislation,
- destruction of the repressive apparatus,
- and the reaffirmation of human rights to live a full and dignified life
The artists who joined me in the event were: Graciela Gutieerez Marx, Susana Lombardo, Mamablanca, Claudia De Leon, Martin Echmeyer, Nicteroi Arganaraz, Veronica Orta, Carlos Pamparana, Mariel Rothberg and Jorge Orta.